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Hydrangea White


Hydrangea Blue


White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


Hydrangea Green


Hydrangea & Baby's Breath Bridal Bouquet


Hydrangea Purple


Hydrangea Pink


Light Blue Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


Hydrangea White


Admire the abundant beauty of white Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

Hydrangea Blue


Admire the abundant beauty of blue Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


The White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet is a classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with white hydrangea, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins. These bouquets are perfect for weddings with a white floral theme that call for full, white bouquets without any extra frills and flair. The White Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet is approximately 7 inches wide.

Hydrangea Green


Admire the abundant beauty of green Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

Hydrangea & Baby's Breath Bridal Bouquet


A classic hand tied bridal bouquet, with white hydrangea, and baby's breath. Tied with a white satin ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox 11 inch wide. 

Hydrangea Purple


Admire the abundant beauty of purple Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

Hydrangea Pink


Admire the abundant beauty of pink Hydrangea, with its clusters of delicate petals and unique pompom shape, adding a touch of grace and charm to floral displays.

Light Blue Hydrangea Bridesmaid Bouquet


A classic hand-tied bridesmaid bouquet with light blue hydrangea, greenery touches, tied with a white ribbon and finished with pearl pins.  Aprox. 7 inch wide.

Discover the beauty of our Hydrangeas collection! Featuring abundant, showy blooms and a captivating range of hues, hydrangeas bring a sense of enchantment and allure to floral designs. Native to Asia and the Americas, Hydrangeas symbolize gratitude and abundance, making them perfect for weddings, special occasions, and everyday bouquets. Bunches Direct sources all bulk Hydrangea flowers directly from reputable growers, ensuring unparalleled freshness and quality with Canada-wide expedite delivery when you order online.